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Complaints about workplace mediations

We sincerely hope you have no cause to complain. If however you are unhappy with the service you receive from us we are anxious to know about it. We value the trouble you may take to explain why you are dissatisfied.

How to complain: 


  1. Please raise the issue you are concerned about as soon as possible, so we can deal with the problem straight away, preferably while we are engaged in the provision of our services. Experience shows that most issues deal with misunderstandings about the scope of work to be undertaken, the process to be used, the timeframes for completion of work or the fees charged – these are all areas which can normally be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties by a quick phone call or email exchange.

  2. You can also raise a complaint at any time about the way we have provided our service. Simply call, write or email us, telling us about your experience. All complaints should be addressed to Graham Evans, Managing Director and Registered Mediator. Telephone: +61 414 586867 Email:

  3. We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days.

  4. A full review will be undertaken by an external Registered mediator ie different to the one involved in your mediation, and your complaint responded to within 21 working days. During this time you may be asked for additional information to help the lawyer/advisor/mediator concerned to fully understand your situation.

  5. A written response will be sent to you within 21 working days.


We hope our explanation will resolve matters to your satisfaction. In the event you are still unhappy and wish to take your complaint further, you may have grounds to appeal to the Civil Mediation Council Limited whose appeal process is set out at:

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